If you've had or are having an off day, here's a message you need to hear. Barry Brownstein beautifully describes how making meaning is the antidote to troubled feelings.
It's common to hear of the traditional wife (tradwife) portrayed as a submissive slave. Molly Slag begs to differ and says the happy tradwife is an essential, civilizing influence in our culture.
No one knows for sure if WWIII kicked off over the weekend but there's a lot of effort being put forth to convince us it did. Fred Reed says, enlisting in the military right now is very very bad idea.
It's not hard to find authoritarians of many political stripes. Brandon Smith says the political left has proven beyond a doubt that they are, by far, the most dedicated when it comes to seizing power.
Article of the Day:
The push for more expansive "hate speech" laws has never been about punishing an actual crime. As Lew Rockwell explains, "hate speech" is the road to tyranny by seeking to control our thinking.