Have you ever tracked the amount of time you spend complaining about one thing or another? Barry Brownstein offers some excellent observations about how complaining makes us miserable.
It appears that the Gaza Floyd riots are here, right on cue to usher in the election season. James Mullin has a simple but relevant question that no one seems to ask those rioting protestors.
There comes a time where we each must decide where our line in the sand is drawn. Michael Boldin reminds us that it was gun control that started the War for Independence.
Every day it seems that our justice system is further twisted to serve only the goals of the state. Doug Casey has a solid explanation of the failures of the justice system and a viable solution.
Article of the Day:
The president's plan to raise the capital gains tax to its highest rate ever is destructive on a whole new level. To better understand how taxing unrealized gains will obliterate our economy, check out the latest from Quoth the Raven.