The phrase "tradwife" (traditional wife) is sure to trigger folks on the woke side of the spectrum. L. Reichard White describes the tradwife tragedy that has befallen our society.
Keeping your sanity these days requires relentless honesty with ourselves. J.B. Shurk lays out the consequences of a government that sows division and subsidizes madness.
The finer points of hospitality may be lost on those of us who are less socially engaged. Aletheia Hitz offers 3 simple tips for practicing everyday hospitality.
The folks who pushed the covid vax so hard clearly haven't learned their lesson yet. Jeffrey A. Tucker says that getting the covid vax is now a requirement in order to get U.S. residency.
Article of the Day:
Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a source of timeless wisdom. Among his greatest contributions to humanity was his essay "Live Not by Lies" which was published at the time he was exiled from his homeland. His words are as relevant today as they were in 1974.