I'm happy to see that Kent McManigal is still around and kicking. He's had some serious medical challenges of late. His latest column warns, don't let others' weakness control you.
Students of American history are well aware of the influence that Judeo-Christian values had on this nation during its formative years. Paul Rosenberg spells out what those values are.
Moving from a highly populated area to a rural community was like finding my way to the surface and drawing a much needed breath. Aletheia Hitz explains the virtues of country living.
Congress took a rather dangerous step toward criminalizing opinions last week with its Orwellian Antisemitism Awareness Act. Donald Jeffries tackles anti-semitism vs. free speech.
Article of the Day:
Free speech is under relentless attack these days and that calls for strong medicine. Check out this classic essay on Free Speech and Plain Language by Albert J. Nock. Very worthwhile reading.