It's a shame that Tucker Carlson didn't have a chance to respond to the Ray Epps puff piece aired by 60 Minutes on Sunday night. Sasha Stone does a commendable job of capturing what Tucker might have said.
When Fox News fired its most popular host, it wasn't because he was doing a bad job. Quite the contrary, he was telling more truth than the network felt it could handle.
The crusade to separate young minds from reality has been going on for a while now. Here's a column I wrote 7 years ago about how gender justice was testing our allegiance to reality. It's aged pretty well.
The closer we get to the 2024 election the more clear our situation becomes. Thomas L. Knapp gets right to the point when he says, we can do better, or can we?
If you haven't subscribed to Martin Geddes' Substack, you're missing out on some top-shelf thinking. His latest essay "The only sovereign in the village" brilliantly describes what happens when those we pay to be protectors turn into predators.