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Show Notes for August 3, 2023

August 3, 2023

Those who love and defend personal freedom catch a lot of hate these days from both wings of the uniparty. Logan Albright has some great insights on how liberty has become the universal scapegoat.

Fear is a useful tool in the hands of activists. Laura Dodsworth explains how the green agenda is fueled by fear as climate alarmists try to terrify us into changing our behavior.

The fight over school choice is largely driven by resistance to the introduction of woke ideology and indoctrination into our government schools. Brandon Smith says the next generation is being groomed for destruction.

Article of the Day:

To fully grasp the irrationality of the ruling class towards former president Trump, it's necessary to follow the timeline of madness that began more than 7 years ago. Sasha Stone is a former Democrat and leftist who broke out of the bubble during the covid madness. Her take on Trump and the seeds of hysteria is enlightening.
