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Show Notes for August 30, 2021

August 30, 2021

One of the biggest challenges of living through difficult times is becoming resilient enough to not only survive but to improve when things go sideways. Leo Babauta has some excellent advice on how to develop extraordinary resilience.

Just how important is our freedom of conscience? Before answering that question, consider how many people in official positions are currenty dismissing matters of conscience. Scott Mason asks whether national Covid mandates fulfill the public good.

It's not hard to understand how money allows us to transport value across time. But when the time are changing, it's hard to say whether that value will be there in the future? Joakim Book explores the question of how do societies save for an uncertain future?

It's wise to learn from our own mistakes. It's also admirable when we can learn from the mistakes of others. Jon Miltimore describes how Australia has created a police state to stop Covid-19 but the data shows that it's not working. What might we learn from their experience?

A lot has changed in the past 18 months. How many of those changes do you wish could be permanent? Before you answer, take a look at a very interesting two minute video from the World Economic Forum titled "This is How Our Lives Could Soon Look" and see what those-who-know-best are thinking.

The beautiful thing about wisdom is that it remains applicable in all times and places. How we might respond to today's crisis is something that Thomas Paine wrote about in 1776. There really is nothing new under the sun.

A special bonus for those who are serious about stocking up on intellectual ammo regarding the public health mandates. Paul E. Alexander has put together a comprehensive and well-sourced explanation of why Covid-19 mandates will not work for the delta variant. Take your time and see for yourself if his conclusions add up.

Would it surprise you to learn that no tyrant can gain absolute power over you without your voluntary consent? Dr. Joseph Mercola asks will you love your servitude? Because we're all being conditioned to do exactly that.
