If you were to come up with the name for the current decade that's just 3 years old, what would you call it? Jeffrey A. Tucker says it's not too early to call this one the "Terrible 20s."
The ruling class must be getting truly scared. Former VP Al Gore is warning that people having access to non-mainstream information "threatens democracy."
A sure sign of the nervousness of the political class is their renewed calls for gun control. Michael Boldin of the Tenth Amendment Center outlines James Madison's strategy to stopping federal gun control.
The possibility of serious societal upheaval doesn't seem like mere conspiracy theory lately. J.B. Shurk writes about the future's zero-sum game and how we are better prepared than most to make it through the challenges ahead.
Article of the Day:
Virtually every political conflict playing out before us contains some variation of rights of the individual versus the collective. Here's a marvelous primer on the historical origins of individualism by Patrick Carroll and Dan Sanchez from the Foundation for Economic Education.