One of the most shocking lessons that most of us eventually learn is that the greatest acts of evil are generally carried out by ordinary people. Kate Wand has posted an enlightening commentary and a short documentary about the line dividing good and evil. It's an excellent reminder that the surest way to limit evil is to choose not to let it enter the world through us.
Why is it so hard to admit when we are wrong? Ronald Bailey has an excellent essay on what confirmation bias does to us individually and how it prevents us from learning what others may have to teach us. Warning: Reading this essay with an open mind requires leaving your pride at the door.
Here's some good news. The hardships of the pandemic have caused problem-solvers to think more creatively. J.D. Tuccille reports that entrepreneurship is on the rise, despite Covid-19. Apparently, necessity spells opportunity for those who have eyes to see.
Now that three federal courts have struck down Biden vaccine mandates, a number of mega-corporations are starting back away quickly. Daniel McAdams says the brotherhood of the needle is faltering and it's a good time to learn from what has been done to us.
Civil asset forfeiture is one of the clearest possible indicators that justice is becoming twisted into something that serves the state more so than the people. Patrick Carroll has the sobering story of a man who pushed back against having his money stolen by law enforcement and who ultimately prevailed.
I spend way more time online than I'd like to spend. So much so that I'm pretty sure it's an addiction, at this point. Kent McManigal warns that the growing metaverse is not a reasonable substitute for the real world. He points that that, even with it's difficulties and scars, the real world is a better place.
What do you get when you mix science with politics? The answer is politics. And, no, it's not a punchline. Robert Arvay explains how the politicization of science is undermining the public's trust of both.
Why aren't kids outside anymore? This is the question posed by free-range parenting guru Lenore Skenazy. She says the decline in children playing outdoors can be traced directly to the idea that kids are in danger all the time and that allowing them any freedom is akin to neglect.
These are the people who make it possible for me to do what I do: