Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos stops by for a cup of holiday cheer and some lively conversation. No matter how hard the bureaucratic grinches try to stir up panic, we're going to find reasons to celebrate instead.
It's entirely possible that I'm missing something here but the fearful tone that politicians and the media are taking over the omicron variant of Covid seems disproportionate to the harm it is doing. Ron Paul says this wave of fear represents the lockdowners' last stand and their desperation to hang on to power.
Not be be a damper on the festive spirit of the season but you probably know someone whose suffering is acute at this time of year. Maybe you're the one who's suffering. Annie Holmquist has an empowering essay on surviving suffering like a champ.
Resisting the urge to give in to the official fear frenzy requires conscious effort. Dr. Mark Sircus advises that we focus on spreading love, not fear, during the holiday season.
Heaven help the person who sneezes or coughs in public these days. Some folks will look at you like you're actively trying to murder the people around you. Chris Bateman poses the question: Is our duty to avoid harm unlimited? That's something that we need to answer before using force to mandate that others do something.
It's been nearly 3 decades since Bill Clinton opined that, "You can't say you love your country and hate your government." During that time, the blinders have come off for many of who have learned for ourselves that, as J.B. Shurk says, America is much more than its government.
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