Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos joins me for a year-end retrospective. We talk about the good and bad of 2021 and what to watch for in 2022.
Why does it feel as though the inability to leave others alone is spreading? J.D. Tuccille says America's divisions may have passed the tipping point.
If you've ever taken pleasure in seeing another person suffer because of their political beliefs, you're on a slippery slope. Never forget that authoritarianism is fueled by the viciousness of tribalism.
When someone tells you to follow the science, too often this is another way of saying, "Shut up and do what I'm telling you." Each one of us has a responsibility to be our own fact-checker. As Joakim Book explains, that means that the only question that matters is: Is it correct?
If you've ever been labeled unfairly, you know the pain it brings is real. Paul Rosenberg makes a clear distinction between fixed traits and fate to remind us that losing doesn't make us permanent losers.
Trust for the political class is quickly disappearing. And for good reason. It's hard sometimes to remember when politicians weren't so craven in their power-seeking. If you haven't read George Washington's farewell address, you're missing a chance to hear some prophetic advice from a great man.
I know we're not supposed to take any pride in being an American today, at the same time, those who know and live the principles and practices of freedom can't help but feel blessed. Geoffrey M. Vaughan has a great essay on American citizenship and how we're caught between creed and clan.
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