The upcoming anniversary of Jan 6th is going to bring a lot of emoting and posturing by politicians who wish to wallow in supposed victimhood while demanding more power over the rest of us. Just remember that we are not being told the full story of what happened. This investigative write up by Revolver News is simply remarkable.
Some people get uncomfortable when considering the similarities between between religious dogma and science as a belief system. Rob Nielsen does a great job of showing how some religious figures and scientists eventually become mascots for the cult of authority.
For those of us who grew up with The Karate Kid, the current TV reboot of the franchise is a pleasant surprise. Jon Miltimore notes that there are valuable lessons that Cobra Kai can teach a generation marinated in victimhood and safetyism.
The light is beginning to come on for a lot of folks--including the lockdowners. No amount of authoritarianism will beat a virus. Even so, the power-seekers are desperately trying to hang onto their dwindling power. James Bovard explains how air travel vax mandates will do no more to vanquish Covid.
The stories of those who came before us should give us reason to pause and be grateful rather than to be petty and resentful. Victor Davis Hanson has a great commentary about the ungrateful and their demonization of the past.
Keeping your grasp on reality in the current day is hard enough. But when history is being rewritten, and voices of truth are being silenced, how will you remember what truly happened? Aden Tate has some thoughts on the matter.
The longer the Covid crisis drags on, the more apparent it is that it has become a source of nearly unlimited power for authoritarians. Kit Knightly says the insanity and illogic of the approved narrative is no accident. It's about forcing us to believe their lies when the truth is right in front of us.
The thought of dealing with an economic collapse is more than most would like to entertain. Just as a thought exercise, take a look at the firsthand experiences of someone who can share lessons from an underground economy.
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