Who knew? The people who seem intent on making us live in Clown World have a serious issues with the sound of horns going "honk honk." Hugh Hunter lives in downtown Ottawa and says he's grateful that the honking will continue until freedom improves.
The more that people in authority struggle to contain our perceptions of reality, the more apparent their desperation becomes. Charles Hugh Smith says what we're seeing is historically consistent with how empires die.
How can we have productive discussions in an age where so many people are looking for a reason to be offended? Joakim Book has some highly applicable information on apologies and hurt feelings.
Those of us who were skeptical about the fervency with which the Covid-19 vaccines have been pushed on the public have plenty of reasons to be thankful that we held out. Watching the "science" change for political expediency is just the tip of the iceberg. As Donald J. Boudreaux explains, there are other reasons for our skepticism.
The growing war against "disinformation" is causing great concern among the political class. How dare we question what they tell us? James Bovard has some excellent reasons why everyone should doubt the information from Joe Biden's government.
Reparations is a tricky subject. Ideally, they should be made to the people who have actually suffered a measurable harm by the people who actually caused that harm. That may not be possible for slavery, but it's entirely possible for the business victims of the Covid lockdowns.
Watching GoFundMe try to swipe $10 million in donations to the Canadian truckers is a powerful lesson in what government would do to dissidents should a fed-controlled digital currency become our new money. Betsy McCaughey has the lowdown on freedom truckers vs. GoFundMe leftists.
If you're trying to stay informed on the freedom truckers' efforts in Canada, Aden Tate from the Organic Prepper has a terrific write up. Ottawa cops have stolen fuel, lied to the press and arrested people, yet the freedom convoy remains.
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