Caleb Franz from the Profiles In Liberty podcast joins me for our regular segment. In honor of President's Day, we talk about the most notable and infamous presidents of the U.S.
Unless you've been living in a cave with your eyes tightly shut and your fingers in your ears, you've likely noticed that a clear realignment is taking place in our society. Jeffrey A. Tucker explains how, thanks to the growing partnership between big business and big government, we are seeing a clash of the Patricians vs. the Plebeians.
What has happened to objective journalism? Not just in America but in virtually every nation? John W. DeFeo has an interesting take from the standpoint of someone has worked in newsrooms for most of his career.
Why isn't the mainstream media talking about the economy these days? The Z-man notices that the MSM seems to have been told to drop the subject, even as storm clouds continue to gather.
The way that the Canadian government is weaponizing virtually every government and monetary institution to go after people who want their freedoms back is pretty chilling. Brandon Smith warns that our choices are rapidly narrowing to separation or purge.
We shouldn't be surprised that politicians love to take credit for things they haven't actually done. Even so, as Jordan Schachtel puts it: The Ukraine mirage consists of Biden taking credit for stopping his own manufactured crisis.
If you're serious about standing for your freedom, it's time to come to grips with the fact that it will not be easy. Max Borders makes the case for learning how to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
James Bovard's take on Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau's naked grab for power is worth your time. The PM's hysteria is a cautionary tale of why government power must be checked and balanced.
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