It's hard to keep up with all the fireworks going off right now. Nevertheless, James Howard Kunstler does a great job of documenting how the party of chaos has blown its cover.
There's no propaganda like war propaganda. Be careful what you believe or share. Glenn Greenwald warns that the narrative regarding Ukraine is becoming more militaristic, authoritarian and reckless.
Speaking of authoritarianism, that new fence going up around the U.S. Capitol sure speaks volumes about how the public is viewed by the ruling class. James Bovard says it still won't protect them from the contempt of the citizenry.
At the risk of sounding conspiratorial, isn't it convenient how the public's attention has somehow shifted away from the collapsing Covid narrative to Putin and Ukraine? Vasko Kohlmayer says that's not an accident.
We hear the word "privilege" a lot these days. However, its meaning seems to escape the folks who use it the most. Sheldon Richman has some timely clarification about what privilege is and what it isn't.
The battle between freedom and tyranny seems very real right now. Scott McPherson reminds us that nukes, war planes and tanks are not enough to prevent people from standing for freedom.
It's risky to advance a point of view that isn't in lockstep with the mainstream narrative right now. But Pat Buchanan has a point worth considering here: Did we provoke Putin's war in Ukraine?
Would the ruling class be willing to start a new world war just to cover up their Covid crimes against humanity? Before you answer, please consider Lew Rockwell's plea to keep us out of war.
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