You know how I can be certain that there is no such thing as a mass formation psychosis that is taking hold of a large segment of the population? Because the major propaganda organs of our time, including Big Tech, mass media and their political allies have unanimously concluded that no such thing exists. And if we can't trust them to tell us the truth, who can we trust?
In all seriousness, speaking the truth these days requires a stainless steel backbone. The masses are being conditioned to see wrongthinkers as the cause of their misery. Gary D. Barnett has a few of the reasons we can never stop speaking out: only the truth will set us free.
I don't know how anyone who followed the Supreme Court hearing on workplace vax mandates could still believe that the judiciary hasn't been fatally compromised by activism. Jeffrey A. Tucker sums it up nicely: Get the courts out of science. Both are deeply tainted by politics.
It's not like we lack historical examples of what can happen when science becomes married to power and then granted near infallible status. Mike Roberts explains why the bastardization of the scientific method is so dangerous.
I understand that many people are sincerely afraid of an unseen enemy that is being blamed for turning our world upside down. Rick McDowell says fear is the mind-killer and people under its influence are likely to miss the fact that their fear is being used to control them.
What happened on Jan 6 of 2021 is being used to weaponize the full weight of the federal government against anyone who refuses to go along with the official narrative. You don't have to agree with the people who stepped over the line to recognize that there are a lot of unanswered questions. Julie Kelly has 12 questions the Justice Dept and the FBI need to answer.
If you're serious about changing minds rather than establishing dominance over others, you know that persuasion requires respect for the other person. Annie Holmquist has some time-tested advice from Ben Franklin on how to change the minds of those with whom you disagree. His advice rings true.
It's one thing to trust Dr. Fauci. It's something else to think about whether you trust your personal physician. Roger L. Simon asks, do you trust your doctor anymore? He has some compelling reasons why many people no longer can.
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