Mercy sakes alive...looks like we got us a convoy! Canadian truckers aren't taking their government's vax mandates lying down. Jeffrey A. Tucker explains how Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is trying to duck the great trucker revolt.
As the inescapable truth begins to dawn on a once-trusting public, we're likely to hear calls for vengeance against the people who locked us down and destroyed so many of our freedoms. Paul Rosenberg has a timely call for bringing the world back to reason by rebuilding the foundations of civilized society.
No matter how firm your grip on reality, there's a good chance you're having to deal with all the conflicting narratives being directed at you. Jack Gleason has some useful ideas for dealing with cognitive dissonance.
You're likely to hear some pretty loaded language coming from the powers that be about how blockchain and cryptocurrencies are hotbeds of money laundering and mischief. As J.B. Shurk explains, it's almost as if the rise of the blockchain republics has the central banks scared of something.
You've no doubt heard the term "great reset" being used to describe the controlled demolition of our former way of life. Robin Burk clarifies that what we're experiencing is an unraveling, not a reset. The elites aren't trying to remake the world so much as they're trying to bring it down.
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