Like it or not, we are all veterans now in the war on reality. Rajan Laad offers some very timely examples of how the media is attempting to capture our minds.
The issue of transexual individuals in women's sports is a modern version of The Emperor's New Clothes. It's also a example of how those who refuse to recite things they know are false are being targeted.
The Hunter Biden laptop story should be a much bigger deal. Not because of the salaciousness of the images on his laptop but because of what it reveals about the deceptive nature of the American press.
You'd have to trying pretty hard not to notice the sinister shift in how public health has melded with public policy. Donald J. Boudreaux says the hazard of public health paternalists is real and growing.
Ever heard of the Great Uncleaving? It's a fascinating take on why the time has come to withdraw your consent and, for the sake of your family, to separate from the system that is trying to destroy you.
The Good Citizen has knocked another one out of the ballpark. To be or not to be, influenced is something that should be read by each of us trying to make our influence felt. Why do we do what we do?
Given the choice between following the "science" and following your conscience, which would you choose? Connor Tomlinson warns that we should not be so quick to forgive and forget the mass information psychosis that was forced on us.
Why should we be so jealous of the truth? Dr. Robert Malone says, it's just like Orwell warned: power is in tearing human minds to pieces.