The mass psychosis of the past two years isn't exactly easing, if you get my drift. Michael Bryant has a great recounting of two years to flatten the world and how it's going.
If you're taking a closer look at crypto, here's an article that may prove helpful. David Waugh explains how not every crypto is decentralized--the difference between proof-of-work vs. proof-of-stake.
Are we raising a generation of snowflakes? Before you answer that question, you need to hear the story of the Abernathy boys going for a ride. H.D. Miller recounts the true story of the most can-do kids ever.
The idea that a war is being waged against your mind is a disturbing thought. For some serious clarity on the matter, James Corbett has an informative guide to 5th Generation warfare.
I know we're not supposed to ascribe to malice what could be mere incompetence. Having said that, check out Glenn Greenwald's take on how Biden's reckless words underscores the dangers of a proxy war in Ukraine.
If you remember nothing else from today's show, it should be this: individuals have the right to keep secrets but your government doesn't. Whitson G. Waldo has the lowdown on digital money and liberty.
Serious about making a difference in the world around you? Stop worrying about things you cannot control. Annie Holmquist recommends learning to laugh at the times to come.
We've all heard the analogy about frogs and a boiling pot of water. Roger Kimball says don't count the American people as being fully boiled just yet. We may have some jump left in us yet.