I happened to catch a bit of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial yesterday and accidentally witnessed one of the most stunning courtroom exchanges I've ever seen. Tucker Carlson hits the highlights in this video and it was definitely one for the history books. The vindictiveness of the prosecution is nothing short of disgraceful. It makes this trial look like anything but a quest for justice.
The Rittenhouse trial is a marvelous teaching opportunity about a couple of important topics. One is the natural right of self defense. The other is need for people to take personal responsibility in protecting their communities rather than simply outsourcing this to the state. Christopher Roach has an excellent piece on the need for citizenship and courage.
If you're serious about understanding how the world works, economists are your friend. For example, if Raymond J. March hadn't written about how the FDA is coming after "Smart Socks" which monitor a baby's pulse and oxygen levels while it sleeps, how would we have known about its latest crusade?
For those who haven't already noticed the growing supply chain breakdowns, just give it a few more weeks. Kent McManigal rightly reminds us that the supply chain problem is a government problem.
Maybe it's just a sense of weariness at the nonstop wokeness that typifies most higher education campuses but I seriously wonder why any ration person would aspire to going to college. James Bovard is a two time drop-out with a decisive answer to the question: Is college worthwhile? Perhaps it's time to call out higher education for its bad behavior.
A lot of Americans are waking up to the reality that the more they have in common with George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, the more they are fair game to be demonized. Steve Sailer has an excellent analysis of why core Americans are being painted as the source of all evil who must be made to pay.
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