If you want to find yourself in trouble these days, simply point out the obvious. Stephen Whitney says men and women are different and that is a good thing.
Whether you believe in God or not, it's worth checking out this short video of a pastor who felt impressed to pray for a young man in his congregation. It's a beautiful example of faith as well as simple human kindness in a moment of crisis.
Whether you watch a lot of TV or not, there are some fascinating ideological tropes that have become entrenched in everything Hollywood creates. Donald Jeffries contrasts these Hollywood tropes with real life wisdom.
One of the great conflicts of our time is between those who feel the need to coordinate every human interaction and those who don't. Barry Brownstein says the miracles of human cooperation are hidden in plain sight.
Article of the Day:
Need some inspiration and reassurance that there's an abundance of human goodness? Take some time and check out Paul Rosenberg's Vera Verba website for daily examples of what we are like at our finest. You won't regret it.