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Show Notes for September 1, 2021

September 1, 2021

Too much of the drama that drives our society is the result of becoming focused on personalities rather than principles. Having said that, Cheryl K. Chumley has an excellent article on Joe Rogan vs. Dr. Fauci and why one is more trustworthy than the other. 

People who don't know history can find it difficult to connect the dots of how the world really works. Joakim Book has a thought-provoking article on the five transitions to modernity and how understanding them can help us better appreciate our options.

Government health officials are already suggesting that unvaccinated people not travel for the Labor Day holiday. Can vaccine mandates be far behind? Before you surrender to their demands, take a closer look at the FDA's fact sheet for Pfizer's Comirnaty vaccine which clearly states that "it's your choice to receive or not receive" the vaccine.

Make no mistake, the great test of the moment is on the shoulders of those who will not comply with demands to get the vaccine. Jon Rappoport says this is where your ability to stand firm in your faith, conviction and courage is the key

It's bad enough that every place where we interact with government is becoming a compliance checkpoint for various Covid mandates. Now businesses are following suit and Allan Stevo has some helpful advice on how to meet this challenge head on and turn it in your favor.

A healthy sense of skepticism is a good thing. Especially when people or institutions are demanding you do things "for your own good." Liam Cosgrove has a fascinating take on regulatory capture in the age of Covid-19. He also has some great information on Ivermectin as a treatment for Covid.

One of the reasons so many people still view the state as their primary problem-solver is that they've been trained to do so since around age 5. Kent McManigal reminds us that a great many of our current problems are the result of state interference, not a matter of too little government.

Here's some promising news: A Harvard epidemiologist is citing a newly published medical study that shows natural immunity in those who've had Covid provides stronger and longer-lasting protection against the virus. Jon Miltimore explains that this means vaccine passports are not necessary.
