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Show Notes for September 19, 2022

September 19, 2022

Anyone who listens to this show is unlikely to taken by surprise by what's happening economically. Brandon Smith has a very timely warning about the escalation seen in recent events that suggests mounting economic danger.

The move towards digital currency is picking up speed. Brad Polumbo explains why a digital dollar is a really bad idea.

Using food as a weapon of control is nothing new. In fact, as Shane Radliff points out, it can also be used as an ultimate weapon of mind control.

The world is already a complicated and conflicting place. We don't need more Karens. Lenore Skenazy relates the story of a Karen who called the police on a little girl for selling cookies in the neighborhood.

There sure seems to be a lot of unhappy faces every direction you turn. Annie Holmquist has some very solid advice on forgetting self and finding happiness.
