As much as we'd like to forget the ugliness of the past 4 years, there are some lessons to be learned. Jeffrey A. Tucker describes the digital coup that took place as part of the official covid response.
Next time you hear the phrase "white privilege" you may want to consider the story of Giles Hopkins. C.S. Boddie shares the true story of what many of those who came before us experienced.
It's curious how quiet the American press is about the fact that Argentina has just experienced a budget surplus for the first time in more than a decade. Jon Miltimore explains how Argentine president Javier Milei has down-sized their government.
Speaking of challenging the narrative, here's a great story about a cancelled black Harvard professor whose research found no racial bias in police shootings. Kurt Mahburg shares the story of Roland Fryer.
Article of the Day:
Waking up to fact that globalists have been consolidating power for generations can be a jarring experience. Brandon Smith says to understand how the globalists think, we must understand their psychopathic religion.