It's stunning how quickly the world's monetary systems are being converted into tools to control people and nations. N.S. Lyons says just say no to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).
The volatility of our times makes me very grateful for anyone who can bring light and peace to those around them. Barry Brownstein reminds us that thank you is a better mantra than follow the science.
As if we don't have enough on our plates right now, there are two coming issues that will have to be addressed--food scarcity and food inflation. Things have been set in motion that could make the next two years very challenging.
There's a strong sense that the U.S. and Russia are already at war with each other, albeit an economic war. Michael Snyder explains how that conflict has shifted into overdrive and where we're vulnerable.
It should be self-evident that suppression of opposing speech or ideas is a poor way to make the case for your ideals. Conor Friedersdorf says tolerating Covid misinformation is better than the alternative.
The steps being taken by the people in power seem to point to a deliberate effort to implode the world economy. But for what purpose? The Good Citizen has a great take on world economic controlled demolition.
The question of U.S. connections to biolabs in Ukraine is being spun in a lot of directions. Dr. Robert Malone has some thoughts on the matter that you might find worth considering.