The shift that's taking place is tough to miss. If you're trying to get your bearings on just what's happening, check out Jeffrey A. Tucker's take on how 70 years of progress came to an end.
Two years of Covid tyranny are being swept under the rug while the world's attention is on war in Europe. Jordan Schachtel describes how big tech is erasing the history of what was done to us.
We're all facing a surreal amount of psychological manipulation right now. Here's a fascinating take from The Good Citizen on how some of that manipulation is brought to you by the colors blue & yellow.
The battle over free speech is getting a lot more real than most people think. As the Gateway Pundit reports, DHS is taking much harder look at anyone who doubts the 2020 election results or Dr. Fauci's ever-changing rules.
Ready for some possible good news? Check out this essay by Robert Gore on how the linchpin of history is innovation, not government and rulers.
The kickoff of war in Ukraine has pushed the American freedom convoy right off the front pages of the news media. Sarabeth Matilsky has a brilliant and compelling explanation of what the truckers want.
If you haven't picked up and read a copy of "1984" in a while, you might want to do so soon. Matt Taibbi says, you'll quickly realize that Orwell was right--we've become the doublethinkers he predicted.
Looking at the stratospheric prices of housing these days, it's easy to get discouraged. Michael Munger sheds some light on the issue and notes that all housing is affordable housing.